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Our datacentre is carrying out maintenance of our network on Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th of May 2020.

During the following times, you may experience a short period of inaccessibility to PLANERGY.

USA: 2pm (Eastern Time) and 9pm (Eastern Time)

UK: 7pm (GMT) on Tuesday 17th of December and 2am (GMT)

AUS: 4am (AEST) and 11am (AEST) on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 13th

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. This maintenance is necessary to maintain and improve the quality of our services.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 25th/26th of April. See below the updates made in the latest release.

What’s New

Longer Cost Codes

We have had a number of requests to increase the number of characters allowed in the Cost Code names. In this release the character limit has been increased from 30 characters to 50 characters to better cover longer names.

If you are not yet using Cost Codes, they are an expenditure tracking field that is commonly used to track job or project expenses but could be used to track, categorise, and report on any type of expenditure you want. The Cost Code is assigned at the line item level of a PO.

QuickBooks Desktop Integration Improvements

Our QuickBooks Desktop integration is relatively new and we have made some improvements based on the feedback from the companies currently using it. Two of rhe most notable improvements are:

  1. Better performance of large exports

Where there are over 100 invoices in the export queue there have been updates made to ensure these work just as smoothly as a smaller batch of invoices.

  1. Allow for no account to be assigned to items

In the QuickBooks Desktop settings (Edit – Preferences – Accounting – Require accounts) you can set account codes as optional. The standard settings in PLANERGY require that a GL Code is assigned but it is now possible to leave this blank and in QuickBooks this will be assigned as ‘Uncategorized Expenses’. Your PLANERGY account settings will need to be updated to use this feature.

Approving Credit Notes Improved

Credit notes can be tracked as negative value POs and approved in PLANERGY if you use the setting to allow negative value line items. The workflow for approving negative value POs has been updated and all users with the correct permissions to approve POs for the relevant department will also be able to approve the credit notes.

Other Improvements

  • Filter Exports for Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart: The Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart exports are now filterable using the search filters on the report making the report even more powerful.
  • Thousand Separators on Reports: A number of reports including Department Pending Expenditure and Expenditure HTML reports are updated to include thousand separators to improve their legibility.
  • Bug fixes: A number of small reported bugs have been addressed in this update. This includes updating the save process for Custom Fields and improved tracking of free texted items added to the invoices.

We are carrying out planned maintenance to our online software on Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th of April, depending on your location. During the following times you may not be able to log onto PLANERGY.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on Saturday 25th of April.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on Saturday 25th of April and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 26th of April.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 26th of April.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is creating a lot of uncertainty and business interruption for us all and I want to reassure you of the measures we have taken for service continuity.

Several weeks ago, we transitioned our entire global team to a remote working model in preparation for this situation.

For Our Customers

PLANERGY is fully prepared, is following best practice, and is taking every measure to ensure ongoing service and support to your organization. You can rely on us.

As a cloud based software you can access and use PLANERGY from inside or outside the office. If you are working remotely, just make sure that you know the unique URL your organization uses to log on.

Our existing infrastructure and processes have been designed to allow us to provide our services and support to the highest level even in these difficult circumstances. Our systems are designed to allow our team to continue to provide the high level of support you have come to expect, and our platform is prepared for any increase in demand that may result from your changing working conditions.

For Our Employees

For the safety of our staff, their families and our customers, all of our internal meetings have been changed to online meetings and we have cancelled all company events until further notice.

These precautionary measures have been taken to limit the potential spread of the virus, to support our employees in this challenging time and to ensure we maintain our ability to serve you, our customer, for the long term.

Please stay safe and healthy,

Michael Higgins


The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 6th/7th of March. See below the updates made in the latest release.

What’s New

Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart Report

The recently added Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart has been expanded to a full report with a table displaying relevant POs now available below the bar chart. When you press a section of the chart it will update the list of orders to the orders relevant to that part of the graph you have pressed. Drill down into the detail at the press of a button.

The table with the list of orders is searchable and includes the ability to link to any of the POs directly from the report to take a closer look at the detail. You can also now run exports from the report too.

Expenditure For Last 12 Months Report

The Expenditure For Last 12 Months Line Chart has been expanded to a full report with a table displaying relevant POs now available below the bar chart. Similar functionality updates are available as are added for the Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart. When you press a section of the chart it will update the list of orders to the orders relevant to that part of the graph you have pressed. Drill down into the detail at the press of a button.

The table with the list of orders is searchable and includes the ability to link to any of the POs directly from the report to take a closer look at the detail. You can also now run exports from the report too.

Pending Expenditure By Department Report

Pending Expenditure By Department report is now available under Advanced Reporting > Expenditure. The report will include the Top 5 Expenditure By Department doughnut graph and list of Pending Expenditure by department.

Improved Search Page Load Times

Reports throughout the system have been updated to improve their load times. Get to the data you want to see quicker than ever!

Other Improvements

  • Link from Favourites to Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart: New ‘Go To Report’ button links directly from the Advanced Reports > Favourites section to the full report with table.
  • Purchase order search archived filter updated: Previously a switch to include archived POs or exclude them from the search; this is now updated to be a dropdown list allowing you to select All, Active, or Archived. The default setting is Active.
  • Control Panel audit reports moved: These reports are now available under the Audit section of Advanced Reporting.
  • Bug fixes: A number of small reported bugs have been addressed in this update. This includes updating some error messages to be clearer and fixed search user permission by department in the Control Panel.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 15th/16th of February. See below the updates made in the latest release.

What’s New


Our API is now available to be used for custom integrations. We already integrate with many of the leading ERP and accounting software but if we don’t have an existing integration with your other existing software already this could be the opportunity to link PLANERGY with your other tools using our API. Create a support ticket by using the support button on the left of the screen when logged into PLANERGY, if you need help with a specific integration.

Improved Graph Reports

The graphical reports, mostly available in the Advanced Reporting section of PLANERGY, have received some updates to improve your ability to report and gain actionable insight from the system.

Top 5 Not Invoiced Expenditure

There is a new ‘Top 5 Not Invoiced Expenditure’ donut chart to give you the ability to report on committed spend visually. Report on Category, Cost Code, Department, Item, Location, Supplier, and User. Donut charts also have a new filter for date range to add additional flexibility.

Top 5 Pending Department Expenditure

There is a new ‘Top 5 Pending Department Expenditure’ donut chart allowing you to report on where the expenditure pending approval is assigned per department. This also includes the ability to filter by the date range of the request.

Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart

A whole new filterable Expenditure bar chart ‘Expenditure and Invoiced Bar Chart’ has been added to Reports & Searches > Advanced Reporting > Expenditure reports list. Report on the invoiced status of orders by month. See committed expenditure, the value already invoiced, and the remaining uninvoiced values. Data is filterable as needed by Location, Department, User, and much more.

Check Budgets Graph

The check budget graphs now also include percentage values to give you a better understanding of how much of the budget has been used and how much is still available.

Expenditure Line Graph Update

The ‘Expenditure’ line graph showing expenditure for the previous 12 months has been updated. Previously you could report by Department only. It is now also possible to report by Cost Code, User, Supplier, Item, Location, and Category.

Assign PO Expenditure To A Previous Month

You can now backdate the assignment of the expenditure for a PO to a previous month when using Project or Annual budgets. Previously this was only possible when using monthly or multi-year budgets. You still have the ability to limit how many months into the past the expenditure can be assigned.

Custom Supplier and Item Fields Now Exportable

Custom fields added to the supplier and items in the system now have the option to be exportable fields. This should greatly improve the ability to report on your item catalogues and suppliers. This can help with compliance reports for supplier relationship management, for example, or any other supplier or item related reports.

Inventory Stock Adjustment Import

You can now import bulk stock adjustments from a CSV or excel file speeding up the process of adjusting stock levels. Initially these bulk updates will be by request through support but in a future update the import functionality will be available within the system.

A full audit trail of stock adjustments carried out by file to ensure accountability and compliance. After the import stock quantities will be updated in bulk on the Stock Quantities report.

Quickbooks Desktop Integration Download

You can now download the integration for Quickbooks Desktop directly from the Control Panel if the integration is enabled on your account.

Other Improvements

  • Improved first load times: We have improved javascript minification in the application to help improve the initial load time when you access for the first time.
  • News feed notification: The home page news feed will now highlight when there is a new piece of news with a red notification bell.
  • Bug fixes: A few fixes to reported issues including an issue in the Receiving search where using the back button did not return you to the search page with the same filtered results, an issue with some of the bar chart export to excel in Advanced Reporting,

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 18th/19th of January. See below the updates made in the latest release.

What’s New

Custom Fields Added to the Control Panel

Previously you needed to contact our support team if you wanted to make changes to the custom fields in the system. The ability to make these changes has now been added to the Control Panel in the Advanced Controls section. Your account’s Account Owner will now be able to make these changes directly in the Control Panel as and when needed giving you extra control and flexibility.

Line Subtotal is Now Included on the New Order and Edit Order pages

The line subtotal information was previously only visible on a fully approved PO. We have had a few requests for this to be also visible when creating or editing an order in the system and in this update we make that available to you. The extra information should make it easier to create and edit POs in the system. Thank you for your feedback!

Check Budgets Graph

During the order and approval process when checking remaining user and department budget there is a new graph to give approvers a better understanding of the current budget. This will include values for approved expenditure, expenditure pending approval, and the remaining budget for each type of budget.

Custom Purchase Requisition Fields Visible On Approval Request Email

Custom fields on the purchase requisition form are now included in the approval request emails. This should make it easier to approve purchases directly from the email when you are using custom fields as you no longer need to log in to see this information.

Custom Fields Duplicated Using Repeat Order

When using the Repeat Order option all data filled in the custom fields will now be copied into the New Order form. This should save you a little more time when using a previous order as a template for your latest purchase request.

Inventory Implementation Improvements

The process for importing stock levels has been improved with better audit tracking of the relevant actions. Audit trail tracking and display of information is improved throughout the application on any relevant page related to setting of initial stock levels.

Other Improvements

  • Thousand separators: Numbers of 1,000 and more will now include thousand separators throughout the application to improve their legibility.
  • Advanced reporting improvements: Additional fields made available for inclusion in custom reports in Advanced Reporting.
  • Bug fixes: A few fixes to reported issues including fixing some error messages, improving some minor issues in the standard searches, better flagging of errors in the Import From File section of the Control Panel, Latest News button to view more articles updated to be clearer, Inventory Receive Into Stock comment and approval issues addressed.

We are carrying out planned maintenance to our online software on Saturday 18th of January. During the following times you may not be able to log onto PLANERGY.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on Saturday 18th of January.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on Saturday 18th of January and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 19th of January.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 19th of January.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Let’s start with an apology. We haven’t been keeping you up to date with all the work we have been doing to improve PLANERGY over the past number of years. We want to fix this. To avoid the fate of most New Year’s resolutions we are starting now!

Going forward we are going to be sharing regular updates about the improvements we are making to ensure you can make sure you are aware of any changes and can start to use of any new features. Updates are usually released every 2 weeks with some big and a lot of smaller improvements in each release.

We would also like to say a big thank you to all the people who have shared feedback with us. We have been listening and improving the system based on your great input. Please keep it coming! (In case you don’t know – here is a help article explaining how to log a suggestion with us).

With that addressed, here is the first of our regular updates.

What’s New

Custom Fields Linked Between PO and Invoice

Specific custom fields can be linked from the PO to the invoice to auto-populate and remove a manual step in the invoice matching stage. Assign GL Codes during the PO creation stage and see them automatically filter through to the invoice.

Reorder Notifications for Inventory

To add to the existing minimum and maximum stock levels already available in Inventory there is a new option to set a reorder quantity for each item. When stock levels drop to that number the system will show a notification on the Inventory item quantity report to inform you to reorder. Avoid stock outs with this simple but effective new feature.

Better Display on Larger Screens

For larger screens we have expanded the width of the main area of the UI to better use the horizontal space. See all the information more clearly to speed up every step of the processes you carry out in PLANERGY. This should help especially for the users that wanted to see more detail visible in the line item section when creating or editing a PO.

Hover to see full text of what you have selected

When viewing the data you have selected you can now hover over the text to see the full text. This should help when there is not enough screen space to see the full information for long descriptions, Cost Codes, GL Codes, etc. This should be particularly helpful when the text is hidden by the selector when creating or editing a PO.

Improved Control Panel Reports

For users of our Advanced Reports there is a new section in the Control Panel to run additional reports across every section of the Control Panel – Departments, Users, Items, General Ledgers, Cost Codes, Locations, and Approval Rules.

Streamlined Advanced Reporting

The Advanced Reporting section has had a little pre-Christmas tidy. The Approval section has been replaced by individual reports on approval for suppliers, POs, invoices, etc. each under their own section.

Other Improvements

  • Improved User Groups for Mobile Devices: On devices with smaller screens the User Groups has improved tab displays.
  • Bug fixes: A few fixes to reported issues including improved page printing using the browser print page (we still don’t recommend printing pages as that is a waste of paper), a few small fixes with Advanced Reporting, Invoice Search export updated, etc.

Our datacentre is carrying out maintenance of our network on Tuesday 17th of December.

During the following time, you may experience a short period of inaccessibility to PLANERGY.

USA: 3pm (Eastern Time) and 10pm (Eastern Time) on Tuesday 17th of December

UK: 8pm (GMT) on Tuesday 17th of December and 3am (GMT) on Wednesday 18th of December.

AUS: 6am (AEST) and 1pm (AEST) on Wednesday 18th of December

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.