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PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th of May 2022. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 14th of May.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 14of May and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 15th of May.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 15th of May.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 4th/5th of December. See below the updates made in this release.

What’s New

AP Automation – AI Algorithm Self-Correction Update

Based on learnings from the scanned data across the last 6 months on all accounts using our AP Automation module the AI algorithm for processing invoices in our AP Automation module has been updated. The learning process and self-improvement through our machine-learning model will improve at an even faster rate giving a higher first time match rate.

In simpler terms, the data taken from your invoices will be more accurate and will improve at a faster rate!

Custom Fields – Drop Down List Fields Ordered Alphabetically

Drop Down List custom fields are now ordered alphabetically by Display Name automatically. This makes it easier to add new options to the field without having to manually reorder the list of options.

Advanced Reporting – 3 New Invoicing Graphs

3 additional accounts payable graphs have been added to Advanced Reporting in the Purchase module of PLANERGY. The reports are available to be added to your custom dashboards.

The reports are also available in Advanced Reporting for Accounts Payable as a standalone module when using Non PO Invoicing. The new reports are on Accounts Payable > Advanced Reporting > Favourite tab as default reports.

  1. Invoiced Total Chart – Is an area graph that presents invoiced value in the last 12 months. It is possible to filter graph by company and set the number of visible months.
  1. Top 5 Invoiced Suppliers – Is a donut graph that lists the top 5 supplier for invoiced value in selected date range.
  1. Top 5 Invoiced GL Codes – Is a donut graph that lists the top 5 GL Codes for invoiced value in a selected date range.

Receiving – Recipient on Receiving page

The recipient assigned on the PO is now visible in the Receiving section. This is added thanks to some customer feedback. This can help streamline the receiving step by letting the person receiving the goods or services know who they were intended for.

Advanced Reporting – New ‘Requested Date’ filter on Accounts Payable > PO Invoice Status report

A new filter ‘Requested Date’ is now available on PO Invoice Status report in the Advanced Reporting for Accounts Payable.

Accounts Payable – View PO when processing an invoice document

A new PO view panel is available on the New Invoice From Document and Invoice Document View pages. This allows you to easily view the full PO details to compare against the scanned invoice and the items imported for processing against the invoice.

Initially the page will load with the New/View Invoice panel and Supplier invoice panels visible. There are arrows on the left and right side of the screen.

The panels work like a carousel. When you press the right arrow, the supplier invoice panel is moved to the left panel and the new PO view panel will be visible on the right panel. This allows you to compare the PO and scanned document and the PO.

When you press the left arrow, the invoice panel is moved to the right panel and PO View panel is visible in the left panel, so the user could compare new/view invoice pages with the PO view page.

There is also now an option to collapse header section. This allows for more vertical space to focus on the two panels you are viewing.

Receiving – New attached document notification

When uploading a document in the Receiving section you will have the option to notify another user that a new document has been assigned to the PO.

New Order – Pre-populate new lines with previous lines data for custom fields

PO line item and Invoice line item Custom Fields have a new option “Copy Value From Previous Line”, which is by default disabled. When the setting is enabled, if you add a line item to a PO or Invoice the custom field value from the previous line will be added automatically. This will save time with manual entry if the field is commonly the same for all items on a PO or invoice.

Control Panel – Account Details – Display Customer Code data

Each PLANERGY customer has a unique Customer Code assigned for easier tracking and communication. The Customer Code is now available in PLANERGY in the Control Panel Accounts Details page available to Account Owners. This code can be used by the Account Owner to identify their PLANERGY account when communicating with our support or finance teams.

Accounts Payable – Non PO Invoice – Multi Currency

When processing a Non PO invoice you can now select a different currency to your accounts base currency and the conversion rate will be visible on the invoice.

Receiving – Comments on the receiving page

The option to add comments is now available in the Receiving section. When someone is receiving goods or services they can share a comment with somebody else to keep them up to date making internal communication even easier and ensuring all relevant updates are tracked in the Audit Trail.

Other Improvements

  • Integration Updates: Small improvements made to PunchOut, Xero, and QuickBooks integrations.
  • Smaller fixes: Improvement to login page cookie warning on mobile devices, login PLANERGY message section has improved responsive layout, and improved email sending email sending for POs with larger attachments.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th of November 2021. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 27th of November.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 27th of November and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 28th of November.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 28th of November.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 6th/7th of November. See below the updates made in this release.

What’s New

This release introduces the ability to process Non PO Invoices using the AP Automation module and a new Chrome extension for importing cart information from web stores into PLANERGY purchase requisitions.

Non PO Invoice

Non PO Invoice is a new feature in the Accounts Payable module that allows you to create invoices without matching it to a purchase order. A common scenario where this can be useful is for utility invoices where the charges cannot be accurately confirmed beforehand.

When an invoice is created without a purchase order, it will be labelled as a Non PO Invoice. When the invoice is created for purchase order, it will be labelled as a PO invoice. The Non PO invoice function will be available as part of Accounts Payable section when AP is included in Purchase module and also it will be available as part of AP as a standalone module.

It is a switchable feature that is disabled by default. It can be enabled by contacting [email protected] .

Once enabled, users can be setup with new Invoice Permissions related to Non PO Invoicing to be able to use the new functionality.

After that the user will see a new option in Accounts Payable section to Reconcile New Non PO Invoice:

From this link they can proceed to process a Non PO Invoice.

Users can switch between the standard PO Invoice form and Non PO Invoice form directly from the New Invoice page using the Switch To button.

A new search filter on the Invoice Search page is added to help filter invoices in your search based on the invoice type.  

Non PO Invoices will go through an approval process similar to PO invoices but the users available to authorize these invoices will be defined by the new user permission ‘Non PO Invoice Authorization’.

Non PO Invoicing is also available in the PLANERGY AP Automation module. Invoice documents received by PLANERGY can then be processed as PO or Non PO invoices.

Authorized Non PO Invoices can be posted to Xero, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, Sage 50, and Sage 200. If you want to process Non PO Invoices and are using a different integration, please contact our support team and they will help with this.

PLANERGY CheckOut Chrome Extension

A new extension for Chrome is now available, PLANERGY CheckOut. The extension will work in Chrome or Microsoft Edge and allows you to create purchase requisitions in PLANERGY directly from shopping carts on thousands of ecommerce websites.

The extension can be installed from the Chrome Web Store here. Full instructions related to the extension are available in this help article – How Do I Setup PLANERGY CheckOut? Once the extension is installed you will have an option to run it when you have a cart filled on any ecommerce site using any of the most popular ecommerce platforms

The item information in the cart will be imported into the line item section of the purchase requisition in PLANERGY ready to be processed and approved as a PO.

Other Improvements

  • Smaller fixes: A number of improvements have been made throughout the software to improve usability and speed.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 9th/10th of October. See below the updates made in this release.

What’s New

This release introduces a new Accounts Payable Early Payment Discount feature, improvements to manually closing out invoicing of a PO, PunchOut integration improvements, along with many other improvements.

Early Payment Discount

With this new feature you can track invoice early payment discounts to understand how much you are saving from these agreements. It is a switchable feature that can be enabled by contacting [email protected].

When Early Payment Discount is enabled, a new section will be available on supplier details page so it can be set for relevant suppliers.

Per supplier you can set:

  • If early payment discount is automatically prepopulated to all invoices or it has to be done manually.
  • The number of days from invoice date when early payment is available
  • The percentage discount applied by the early payment discount
  • If early payment discount is applied to the total including VAT or NOT including VAT

When Early Payment Discount is setup for supplier, new fields will be available when processing an invoice on new invoice page:

There’s new search field added to Invoice Search page, EPD Date, allowing you to search by the date EPD is available until.

Close Invoicing Improvement

An update to the close invoicing process has been made to help with a common exception when processing invoices.

The Close Invoicing button is now available for Purchase Orders that have been invoiced to their full value but not all of the items on the PO are invoiced. This scenario is often caused by a free texted item being added on the invoice (for delivery charges or similar unconfirmed costs) increasing the invoiced value while PO items still remain uninvoiced. This results in the order continuing to be listed on Received Uninvoiced report.

Now it is possible to manually close invoicing for these orders and remove them from the Received Uninvoiced report.

Added Control Panel warning popup when the edit will impact your ability to search and report

We added a warning to all Control Panel edits, which could impact searches and reporting across the application. For example, if you edit a department name older orders would need to be searched and reported under the name used before the edit.

We advise against these edits and the warning is to help avoid these reporting problems.

PunchOut – new setting to always require approval for Punchout order edits

PunchOut orders were previously editable without approval in all cases. We have added an option to allow you to select the behaviour that best suits your company. You can now enable a requirement for approval when a PunchOut order is edited.

Other Improvements

  • Invoice Approval: Quick approve option for invoices improved
  • Advanced Reporting: Report type ‘PO Invoice Status’ has improved performance for the PO Approved By filter
  • Smaller fixes: Better tracking of invoice posting date for edited invoices, monthly budget exceeded warning shows for pending changes approval process, improved behaviour for default GL Code assigned to the supplier, and many more.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th of September 2021. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 25th of September.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 25th of September and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 26th of September.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 26th of September.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 4th/5th of September. See below the updates made in this release.

What’s New

This release introduces improvement to AP Automation, Advanced Reports, QuickBooks Desktop integration, new Integrations section available to Account Owner user and, along with many other improvements.

AP Automation Improvements

  • Notification when invoice line item price and quantity do not match PO line item price and quantity

When an invoice document is scanned using AP Automation and if the line item quantity or price is different to what appears on the matched PO, you will see the field highlighted and an exclamation sign next to it.

  • Copy Text directly form invoice documents (in PDF or image file formats) into invoice fields

If the invoice document is in one of the following formats: .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif or .tiff it is now possible to copy text from the document and paste it into invoice field in PLANERGY.

Click on Copy Text button to switch the view from Invoice Preview into Canvas.

Draw a rectangle around the text to copy.

Click on a field on new invoice form to paste the selected text.

PunchOut Changes (Important If You Are Already Using PunchOut integrations!)

  • New Punch Out Order has been renamed to New Online Catalog Order
  • Amazon Punchout now requires Ship To address

New section has been added to user edit and profile pages where the Ship To address can be entered that will be used when ordering from Amazon Punchout.

The Ship To Address is now required to raise Amazon Punchout orders in the system. Without it, users won’t be able to raise any Amazon Punchout orders.

New INTEGRATIONS section (Account Owner user only)

We have added new section in Control Panel that lets the Account Owner user to enable various integrations available in PLANERGY without the need to contact support. These include Slack, Microsoft Teams, Amazon Business, Single Sign On providers, accounting softwares, and ERPs.

Your Account Owner can now enable these themselves but if you need any help configuring your integrations please contact the support team.

Advanced Reporting – PO Invoice Status report improvements

We have added new filters to PO Invoice Status report:

1. Invoicing Status

2. PO Status

3. PO Value Range

4. PO Approved By

QuickBooks Desktop improvements

  • Manually edited total tax export is now supported – Previously It was not possible to export manually edited tax on the invoice to QuickBooks Desktop.
  • It is now possible to import Class as (Department or Cost Code) and Customer Job as (Department or Cost Code)

Other Improvements

  • AP Automation: Recognized Total is now also available on Edit/View invoice pages
  • Smaller fixes:
  • AP Automation – Ability to reselect the PO an invoice is matched against if the PO that was scanned is cannot be processed.
  • Integrations (Twinfield, Xero, QuickBooks) – Batch Post Invoice Audit Trail improved.
  • Custom Fields – Number of Rows Setting updated.
  • Notifications – Microsoft Teams messaging for Department Budget Requests improved.
  • Receiving – uploading documents on the receiving page from mobile devices is improved.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Thursday 19th or Friday 20th of August 2021. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 10pm (Eastern Time) on 19th of August.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 19th of August and 3am (GMT) on Friday 20th of August.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 12pm noon (AEST) on Friday 20th of August.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th of August 2021. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 14th of August.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 14th of August and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 15th of August.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 15th of August.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 3rd or Sunday 4th of July 2021. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 3rd of July.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 3rd of July and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 4th of July.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 4th of July.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.