Here are all the updates made in the release of Planergy that went live in July 2024

What’s New

Accounts Payable – New Search Criteria Added To Invoice Documents Search 

New search fields are added to the Invoice Documents search.  

After this release, the invoices can be filtered before being fully processed. 

Users can now search by Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and Received Not Invoiced Items.  

The Received Not Invoiced filter allows you to filter invoices to show only those with POs containing received but not invoiced items.  

The Invoice Number filter allows you to filter invoices by the invoice number Planergy has scanned from the invoice document. 

The Invoice Date filter allows you to search by the invoice date Planergy has scanned from the invoice document. You can set a range with a start and end date. 

Accounts Payable – Invoice Documents – New Clear Button on New PO Invoice Document Page 

A new ‘Clear’ button is now available on the New PO Invoice Document page. It allows users to remove all auto-populated data from the invoice with a single click. 

This feature provides a quick and efficient way to reset the invoice form. It ensures that users don’t have to manually clear each field.  

Accounts Payable – PO Invoice and Non PO Invoice Department Selector Restrictions Removed  

The Department selector on PO Invoice and Non PO Invoice forms now list all active departments for any user with access to the page.  

Before the update, users could only see the Department(s) they had available in their Purchase> Order On Behalf permissions. 

Based on feedback from users this was too restrictive. Now it is easier to manage updating departments when processing invoices. 

Budgeting – GL Code Linked to Departments and Budgets Set per Department 

This feature is an optional update. If you would like it enabled on your Planergy account, please contact the support team. 

When enabled it allows the list of GL codes available to be selected per department in Control Panel> Departments. This can help greatly reduce the number of manual errors when assigning GL codes. 

Each GL Code linked to a department can also have an individual budget set for the department. This allows for greater control of expenditure at the GL code level.  

Purchase – New Order – PO Line Item Information Menu – Budget Check, Price Variation, and More 

On the New Order and View Order pages a new line item information popup is added  

To access you press the three dots icon (or overflow menu icon) at the start of each line, before the item name field.  

This gives additional contextual information to help select and approve items. 

The available information in the menu for each item is: 

Item details 

Price Variation 

The graph is like the one available in the Advanced reporting section and has the option to filter to different periods. ods.  

Department by GL Budget 

If you are using the new feature of setting a GL Budget per department it will be possible to review the expenditure versus budget here. 

GL Code Budget 

The GL Code budget assigned at the company level can also be made available to review. 

Cost Code Budget 

If you are setting budgets on the Cost Codes you can also review expenditure versus budget here. 

Purchase – GL Code Description Now Visible to Approvers When Approving a PO 

When approving a PO that included a GL Code you could only see the code without the description. Based on feedback from users this made it more difficult to approve. 

Now the description and code will be visible on the approval request emails.  

When viewing the purchase request in Planergy you can hover your cursor over the GL Code to see the description. 

This Should make it easier to check the GL coding is correct and approve the PO.  

Purchase – The Number of Your Orders Waiting for Approval Flagged in the Main Menu 

 The number of orders in the Your Orders > Waiting For Approval page is now visible in the left-side menu.  

The number will be the combined number of orders in the two subsections, Your Orders Waiting For Approval From Other Users and Other Users’ Orders Waiting For Approval From You.  

This provides quick visibility of the orders pending.  

This improvement is also available in the Ticket and Accounts Payable modules. 

Purchase – Add New Supplier Button On New Order Page 

This feature makes the “Add New Supplier” button available on the New Order page’s supplier dropdown list when supplier approval is enabled, and the user has permission to request a new supplier.  

When the supplier selector opens there will now be an Add New Supplier button. 

When the supplier selector opens there will now be an Add New Supplier button. 

When the button is pressed a popup form to request a new supplier will open.  

This makes it easier to make requests to add a new supplier and is the same workflow that Is available when supplier approval is not enabled. 

Before the update users needed to access the Control Panel to request a new supplier.  

Purchase – Planergy CheckOut – Edit Price, Quantity, and Discount Fields in Planergy  

This feature allows users to edit the price, quantity, and discount fields of items after they have been submitted to Planergy.  

This adds greater flexibility and control by enabling users to make necessary adjustments without needing to resubmit or restart the checkout process.  

Control Panel – Departments – New Total Expenditure Graph  

In the Total Budget section of the View Department page there is a Total Expenditure graph added.  

The graph provides real-time data on expenditure versus budget. This will make it easier for administrators to manage budgets in the Control Panel. 

Control Panel – Suppliers – Supplier Classification Improvement 

Supplier classification is an optional feature. This update only applies if you are using the feature. If you would like it enabled on your Planergy account, please contact the support team. 

Previously, there was a predefined list of options for classification, this was not flexible enough for most users.  

With this update it is now possible for users with the correct permissions to add, edit, and archive the list of options for classification.  

On the Add Supplier or Edit Supplier page users can click “+” to add a new classification via a popup, or “-” to archive an existing one. 

General – Popup Table Customization Settings 

 This introduces the ability for users to customize table settings for the popup tables that appear in Planergy.  

Users can now adjust table configurations such as column visibility, number of rows visible, and edit sorting based on the available columns to better suit their needs.  

This provides a more flexible and user-friendly interface, allowing users to tailor the display to their own needs.  

General – New Item Details Section Design for POs, Invoices, and Ticket Requests 

The layout of the Print, Download PDF, and Email versions of the item details section for POs and invoices is improved. .  

The Item Details Section looked like this before the update. 

Now, the Item name, item code, quantity, unit of measure, price, and discount are displayed for each item clearly. 

Integration – Exact – New Setting To Allow Invoices To Export Before They Are Approved 

This introduces a new setting to allow the export of not approved invoices to Exact.  

This is configurable in the integration settings for your account.  By default, this setting is disabled, preventing the export of unapproved invoices.  

When enabled, an “Export to Exact” button appears on the saved invoice page, allowing export with a specified credit term. Once exported, the posting status updates to “Posted”. If the invoice is later authorized, it cannot be exported again. 

Integration – – Department Hierarchy 

This feature allows structuring the departments in the same way in and Planergy. More specific reports, user permissions, and approval rules can be created in Planergy now without losing the connection in 

Other Improvements 

  • PunchOut Integrations – Address ID can now be linked to the Location Code assigned to Locations saved in Planergy. This adds flexibility in how order information can be shared with PunchOut suppliers. 
  • Control Panel – Suppliers – Search filter ‘Imported’ has been updated to use the name ‘Synced’. This is because some suppliers will be exported from Planergy to sync with another system. 
  • Control Panel – Roles – System Admin role no longer has free-text permissions for Locations and Suppliers by default.  

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 23rd or Sunday 24th of December 2023. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 6:30pm (Eastern Time) and 9pm (Eastern Time) on 23rd of December.

UK: 11:30pm (GMT) on 23rd of December and 3am (GMT) on Sunday 24th of December.

AUS: 8:30am (AEST) and 11am (AEST) on Sunday 24th of December.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 22nd or Sunday 23rd of April 2023. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 22nd of April.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 22nd of April and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 23rd of April.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 23rd of April.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 18th or Sunday 19th of March 2023. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 18th of March.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 18th of March and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 19th of March.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 19th of March.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 28th or Sunday 29th of January 2023. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 28th of January.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 28th of January and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 29th of January.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 29th of January.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th of November 2022. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 26th of November.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 26th of November and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 27th of November.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 27th of November.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 15th or Sunday 16th of October 2022. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 15th of October.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 15th of July and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 16th of October.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 16th of October.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest update of PLANERGY will be released soon and an important part of this update will be changes to the design of the PLANERGY application. This improves the look and feel of the software to make it easier to use.

These changes have been planned to minimise their impact on how you are used to using PLANERGY but there are some changes that you need to be aware of. Below we explain the changes but if you are having any problems completing a task in PLANERGY please contact our support team and they will be happy to help.

New Design

Full Screen Layout For Large Screens

PLANERGY has always used a responsive design (it resizes automatically to fit the screen size you are using), but on larger screens it did not make full use of the screen width. The new design will use the full width of the screen you are using making it easier to use.

Navigation Updates

Left Side Menu

The main menu on the left of the screen has been updated. There are icons added for each group of pages and the entire menu can be minimized to free up additional horizontal space. There are a few important things to know about how the menu will behave differently to the old main menu.

Collapsible Menu

Using the circle with the orange arrow at the top of the menu you can expand or collapse the menu.

Accessing Sub-Menus

If the menu is expanded only one submenu will be open at any given time. You can press the arrows on the right of the menu to open the section and see the additional menu options for that grouping.

If the menu is collapsed the submenu will appear when you hover over the relevant icon in the menu.

Help and Support buttons

The help and support buttons previously appeared at the very far left of the screen, these are now added at the bottom of the left side menu.

Old Layout

New Layout

Control Panel button moved

The button to access the Control Panel previously appeared in the left side menu. It has now been moved under the User Profile section in the header menu.

To access the Control Panel you now need to use the profile menu. This is accessed from a circle with the first letter from your first name and first letter from your second name at the right-hand side of the header menu. Pressing the icon will display the additional options below it and Control Panel is included here.

Accounts Payable menu options

For some users who have been using PLANERGY for many years you will be used to seeing Accounts Payable options in this menu.

When we introduced AP Automation functionality this greatly expanded the Accounts Payable functionality available in PLANERGY but your menu was not updated to reflect this. With the release of the new design the menu has been standardized and the Accounts Payable options are now found in a separate Accounts Payable module.

If you would like to learn more about PLANERGY’s Accounts Payable Automation, please contact the support team for more information.

Old Layout

New Layout

Header Menu

Module Navigation

The links to access different PLANERGY modules are located in a similar place to where they were available in the old design but the look and feel of these has been changed.

Old Layout

New Layout

Logout and User Settings

The logout and user settings options were always visible on screen in the old design. To access these options now you need to use the profile menu (a circle with the first letter from your first name and first letter from your second name). Pressing the icon will display the additional options below it.

Order View/Edit Page

Order Status

Order status now appears next to the requisition or purchase order number.

Old Layout

New Layout


The comments section that previously appeared on the far right of the screen now appears at the top right corner of the document.

Old Layout

New Layout

Your Orders

The tabbed navigation to move between Waiting For Approval, Approved, and Rejected pages has been removed. You can access each of these from the main left side menu.

Old Layout

New Layout


The receiving page is now split into 2 separate tabs for receiving and returning. Previously it was possible to return items and receive items. To return items you now have to open the Return Items tab and you will see the options to return items.

Search Pages

The standard search pages, this includes Purchase Order Search and Invoice Search, are all updated with similar changes.

Quick Search

Quick Search is now available, this allows you to search based on any information quickly with a single input field. This searches across all data.

All other search filters are hidden under the Advanced Search expander. You can open this by clicking anywhere on the section. This will reveal all of the search filters for searches or exports.


The location of the export options have moved to the top right of the search results table.

Old Layout

New Layout

Search Results Settings

The options for configuring how the search results appear has been moved and is now available on the top right, above the search results table.

Old Layout

New Layout

This opens a popup where you can change the display settings for the search results table.

Invoice Documents Search

Reconcile Invoice Button

The Reconcile Invoice button is located in the same place it was before but now uses an icon.

Old Layout

New Layout

Reconcile New Invoice

Supplier Invoice Panel Buttons

The buttons used to interact with the invoice document have been updated to use icons. The same options are available and appear in the same order as in the old layout except the ‘Next Document’ button has been moved to the Header Section.

Old Layout

New Layout

Header Section

This has been updated to have navigation options to move to the next and previous invoice document. Previously these were available in the buttons in the Supplier Invoice Panel.

Old Layout

New Layout

PLANERGY will be unavailable for a period on Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th of July 2022. Press the title of this message for details for your region.

USA: 5pm (Eastern Time) and 7pm (Eastern Time) on 16th of July.

UK: 10pm (GMT) on 16th of July and 1am (GMT) on Sunday 17th of July.

AUS: 7am (AEST) and 9am noon (AEST) on Sunday 17th of July.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 14th/15th of May. See below the updates made in this release.

What’s New

The latest update release of PLANERGY went live over the weekend of the 14th/15th of May. See below the updates made in this release.

Integration – Amazon Business – Order Confirmation, Shipment Notification, and eInvoice integration

The PLANERGY PunchOut integration with Amazon Business is updated and now includes standard Amazon Business notifications integrated into the PLANERGY Procure-to-Pay workflow.

Notifications can be set for each user so they can decide if they prefer these notifications in the application, by email, or through Microsoft Teams or Slack.

The notifications are tracked in the audit trail for the PO ensuring everything is centralized following best practices for Record-to-Report.

Order Confirmation

When Amazon Business confirms your order the update is reflected in PLANERGY with the order status updating to ‘PO Accepted’ for orders that have been fully confirmed.

When only part of the order is confirmed that will be ‘PO Partially Accepted’ and the accepted items will be highlighted with a green bar beside them. Items that have yet to have an order confirmation will have no color bar. Rejected items, or items that cannot be supplied, will be highlighted with a red bar and if you hover over the bar it will show the reason it cannot be supplied.

If a purchase order is fully rejected by Amazon Business the PO status will update to ‘PO Rejected’ and all line items will be highlighted with a red bar and if you hover over the bar it will show the reason it cannot be supplied.

Notifications for Order Confirmation are linked to the existing notification, ‘Supplier Acceptance of PO sent by Me’. Notifications for Shipment Notifications will have a new notification setting added in the next update release but will initially be received by the requester in all channels.

Shipment Notification

When Amazon Business confirms shipment for items on a purchase order this will be reflected in PLANERGY with the order status updating to ‘PO Shipment Sent’.

On the View Purchase Order page there will be a new ‘Shipment’ button tracking the various shipments related to the purchase order.

When you click the button it will show the relevant shipment notification information from Amazon Business. Each shipment will be tracked separately with all relevant information including Notice Date, Shipment Date, Delivery Date, the Items and quantities included in the shipment.

Shipment notifications are also available in the Receiving section of PLANERGY. When reviewing there you also have the option to copy the quantities in the notification to speed up the process of partial receiving.


Amazon Business will send invoices directly to PLANERGY where they will be automatically processed and matched against the relevant POs. They will be available in PLANERGY to view in cXML format sent by Amazon. Fully streamlining the Procure-to-Pay process for your Amazon Business orders.

Invoices will be immediately available as saved invoice for the PO and in the Invoice Search list.

Additional charges, Shipment Cost and Special Handling Cost, are included on the invoice. Discounts appear as a negative value line item reducing the cost of the overall invoice.
Credit Memos are added as separate negative value invoices with separate line items for total, shipment cost, and special handling cost.

Notifications in PLANERGY related to Amazon Business eInvoices are linked to the notification setting ‘AP Automation – New Invoice Received’

Advanced Reporting – Purchasing KPI reports: Purchase Order Cycle Time and Purchase Order Approval Time

In the Purchase section of PLANERGY we have added a couple of very useful standard reports under Advanced Reporting to track KPIs related to purchase order processing – Purchase Order Cycle Time and Purchase Order Approval Time.

Both reports include a doughnut graph for top performers and a searchable, customizable table. They can also be filtered by date range.

Purchase Order Cycle Time

Purchase Order Cycle Time is calculated on the number of days from when the requisition was created to when it was sent to the supplier. Top performers for this metric average 5 hours or less. If you are looking to improve on this KPI, you can find tips to improve your PO cycle time here.

Purchase Order Approval Time

Purchase Order Approval Time is calculated based on the number of days a requisition takes to be fully approved and become a PO. This can be very useful for identifying the worst performing approvers or departments that are causing bottlenecks. It can also be used to identify the best performing people and departments for praise.

If you are looking to improve on this KPI, this article has tips to improve PO approval time.

Accounts Payable – Comment on Invoice Documents

It is now possible to add comments to the invoice documents received from your supplier before they are saved for processing through PLANERGY. This allows queries to be raised and discussed at an earlier stage in the process. For example, when you want to delay payment for an invoice because it is being queried with the supplier.

As with the comments elsewhere in PLANERGY this can be used to add notes or start an internal discussion. All comments are fully recorded in the audit trail.

You can also add comments to the documents from the Invoice Documents search page.

Integration – PunchOut Available For Staples and Henry Schien

We are continually adding to the list of suppliers where we can integrate with their electronic catalogs. The latest to be added are Staples and Henry Schien. If you use either of their suppliers you can link your orders to your approval workflows in PLANERGY while ordering directly from their online stores.

Advanced Reporting – Approval Rules Export Includes Version Number and Status

Version Number and Status columns have been added to the approval rules export making it easier to compare changes to approval rules over time and across the versions of a rule.

Other Improvements

  • PLANERGY’s new logo has now been added in the header of the application.
  • Accounts Payable – for invoice documents where invoice date is not identified the field will be left blank. Previously the data it was received was used as a fallback but it is often not the case.