What is a number scheme?

Number Scheme is the numbering used for requisitions and purchase orders (POs) in the system. The numbers will be assigned sequentially. For requisitions the number is assigned sequentially based on the time of the order getting saved for the first time. For POs the number is assigned sequentially based on when the order is given the required level of approval. By default the numbering will be REQ for requisitions and PO for purchase orders. To change these default settings you will need to contact the support team using the support button on the left of the page.

Currently there are two options for how the Number Schemes display in PLANERGY:

Default Numbering

This includes prefix, number, and suffix. The default settings only include the prefix and the number. For example:

PO00001 for POs

REQ00001 for Requisitions.

Complex Numbering

This includes company code, department code, prefix, number, and suffix. The number assigned will depend on the company and department the order was created for. For example:

MCE-HO-PO-15-0001 for POs

MCE-HO-REQ-15-0001 for Requisitions.