Accounts Payable – 02 – New Invoice Page

When on the new invoice page you can fill the required information there. By selecting the line items you want to invoice against many fields will automatically populate. Fields with an asterisk beside their name indicate that the field is mandatory and you must fill the field. For example every invoice must be assigned an invoice number.

Anywhere you see the small button , indicates that you can select from a pre-existing list of options. If you click on the button, a popup window should appear providing you with a list to select from and a search field to narrow the results in the list. Selecting one of the options in the list closes the popup window and populates the new invoice form with the details of your selection.

Selecting Items for an Invoice

If you have accessed the New Invoice page from the Invoices Tab for an order the items available to have an invoice assigned against them will be ready to be selected.

Just check the checkboxes for the line items you would like to include and press the Process Button – figure 1. If you would like to select all line items you can press the top checkbox to select all.

Fig. 1 – New Invoice – Selecting Items

After selecting the items from the order they will be added to the invoice along with the vendor, currency and terms already assigned to the purchase order. You can then update any other details as required including adding a General Ledger (GL) or Nominal Ledger (NL) Code per line item – figure 2.

Fig. 2 – New Invoice – Items Selected

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